Tuesday, September 21, 2010

To Do List... Truncated.

So this is what I end up posting when I neglect to put "write Tuesday's blog entry" on the to do list.

Mysterious, no? Textural, definitely.

I've been racking my brain trying to come up with some new, subject appropriate backgrounds and I decided late last night as I was just about to drift off to sleep (because that's when my brain works most efficiently) that I needed moss. Mind you, I have no moss in my yard. I only have parched grass. Not too much in the way of shade either.

So on my weekly pilgrimage to the wholesale florist I asked "Do you happen to have any moss?", not really expecting what kind of reaction I would get. The kind lady behind the counter said "Yes... it's beyond those double doors."

I was halfway expecting to see a dense forest with elves & gnomes armed with shovels ready to assist me. But there just beyond the double doors were cardboard boxes of Mountain Moss and Sheet Moss and some other kind that I can't quite recall now. All neatly packed away but smelling funny... I can't quite figure out how to describe the scent other than it's not what I expected moss to smell like. Then again, I didn't think I'd find moss in prepackaged boxes.

But now I have my subject appropriate background. It sheds, but it works! Actually, it sheds so much my cat won't even touch it, but that's what vacuum cleaners are for.
Product shots with the moss background should be posted on my Etsy site by this time next week...

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