Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thinking Outside the Full-frame Sensor

It's been about 2 weeks, 2 days, 23 hours and 50 minutes since I returned from Sean Kernan's mind-opening workshop in Maine. I'm still processing the experience in my head... trying not to slide back into old, sticky habits. But it's hard.

And that's all the whining I'm going to do on the subject! Because even though I'm back in my normal environment with all my creature comforts and obligations surrounding and insulating me, I still have this little voice throwing ideas across my mind that beg attention.
I've gotten several calls/emails/messages over the past several days asking how people can purchase note cards or necklaces. This prompted the recent production frenzy of said note cards and necklaces in which I'm currently swimming. Not a bad wake up call since it's something I enjoy doing and it's another way to express myself creatively. (Actually the only things I dislike about the process are getting glue all over my fingers and the smell of the solder.)
But even as I'm going through the motions that are so familiar to me, I keep going back to the concept of the Extended Photograph that Sean encouraged us to explore. An Extended Photograph provides an experience that goes beyond just the visual... It can incorporate any of the other senses that will get your message across to your audience. At least that's what I think it is.
I've got two ideas that are bouncing around in my head for my Extended Photographs, but I think for my own sanity I'll concentrate on just one of them for the next six months and see how it evolves.
Curious? So am I. Stay tuned...

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