Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Pictures of Farm Animals...

... in places other than farms.... Just photographic musings from uptown Charlotte (!) and the Carolina Renaissance Festival petting zoo...

This bull was actually very people friendly, which was a good thing because he was in a temporary pen outside the Levine Museum of the New South as part of one of their openings. He seemed to enjoy having his head scratched and being petted.

Of course I like this picture because it seems to go quite nicely with "Future Vegetarian" which I posted some time earlier...

These guys were at the petting pens at the Carolina Renaissance Festival. I had taken my camera equipped with only my Lensbaby to see what I could accomplish.

It is difficult enough to focus a Lensbaby correctly, but when your "models" are only interested in food... well...

Sunday, November 2, 2008


I spent this weekend shooting at CarnEvil...

I was not entirely happy with the images I got on Friday night. I was trying a different way of shooting (read: I used my flash... and I was wearing fairy wings AND traipsing about with my tripod... I did feel like a bull in a china shop). Anyway, I did manage to get some decent shots.

I felt MUCH better about the images I shot on Saturday. More of the way I'm used to shooting --- and that gave me the confidence to look back at the Friday images with less self-criticism. It was cold and smoky and loud, but the guy checking ID's at the front door seemed genuinely shocked at my age (I thank you!) and I ended up stretching my photo muscles.

If you'd like to take at look at what I got, go to http://www.jawileyphotography.smugmug.com/ and take a look...